It turns out I needed to make my gmail account less secured in order for 
the email to pass through. And as expected, this wasn't a web2py issue.

This was leonel's solution. Thank you Leonel!


On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 10:35:43 AM UTC-4, Ron Chatterjee wrote:
> So, I took a stab at Ivica's post. Created the db in my model file as:
> db.define_table("contact_form",
>                 Field("your_name", "string"),
>                 Field("your_email", 
> requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_EMAIL(error_message='invalid email'))),
>                 Field("your_phone_number", "string"),
>                 Field("subject", "string", default=None),
>                 Field("your_message", "text", requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                 auth.signature)
> Somehow I kept getting the error "unable to send email". I get an error on 
> my web2py terminal as " failure 534..."..  I believe this may has to do 
> something with setting on my gmail account than a web2py issue. Does anyone 
> has any luck to get Ivica's example to work with a gmail account? If so, I 
> will be interested to know what setting in gmail made the email to go 
> through.
> On Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 11:31:18 AM UTC-4, Ivica Kralj wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The site is maintained but not actively as I would like.
>> I've just added new example for the contact form. 
>> My intention is to still continue adding new references and new examples 
>> but unfortunately I have other priorities going on at the moment.
>> On Friday, 23 October 2015 15:58:59 UTC+2, Ron Chatterjee wrote:
>>> Wondering if we can have more examples, source code and snippets gets 
>>> put into web2pyref. I don't know who is maintaining the page but few things 
>>> I wish I could use example of sending email using gmail SMTP and contact 
>>> form, voting, likes, paypal ecommerce, rating, bootstrap3 and social media 
>>> integration etc. Just some thoughts...
>>> On Monday, June 8, 2015 at 8:19:32 PM UTC-4, Carlos A. Armenta Castro 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I don't know if web2pyslices is better than web2pyref and it doesn't 
>>>> care for me. My personal opinion is: We need a decent, powerful and usable 
>>>> website to collect all ours code snippets, examples, recipes, plugins, 
>>>> demo 
>>>> sites, templates (bs2, bs3, etc.) and for to be honest that is our 
>>>> Achilles' heel. We have a really great community, but a no optimal system 
>>>> to show our work to the world (and to motivate the newbies). 
>>>> Finally, I appreciate the work of the and 
>>>>, and I think we need to be part of that kind of 
>>>> projects contributing to the source code, promotion and with donations.
>>>> Sorry for my bad english.
>>>> El lunes, 8 de junio de 2015, 6:16:43 (UTC-7), Carlos Cesar Caballero 
>>>> Díaz escribió:
>>>>> Some months ago, because I can´t post anything to web2pyslices (others 
>>>>> have the same problem and no one knows why) I post that I could motivate 
>>>>> some of my team (including a designer) for building (and maintain) a new 
>>>>> web2pyslices, and the proposal remains on the table. Right now I have two 
>>>>> ideas, first, open source the site, and motivate the comunity to 
>>>>> contribute, the other thing is, taking advantage of the web2pyslices 
>>>>> maintenance problems, mix everything in a improved new web2py site, and 
>>>>> web2pyslices could continue alive, for consulting, in some kind of read 
>>>>> only mode.
>>>>> El 07/06/15 a las 20:49, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
>>>>> The maintainers of web2pyslices do not want to do it any more. The 
>>>>> domain has been donated to me (although we are in the process of 
>>>>> transferring it) so if Ivica want to put the effort of maintaining an 
>>>>> alternate site, that is better for me than maintaining web2pyslices, as 
>>>>> long as info is not lost. 
>>>>> On Saturday, 6 June 2015 04:52:56 UTC-5, Ivica Kralj wrote: 
>>>>>> That is fine Niphlod. I created this project, primary for personal 
>>>>>> reason to have quick resource to examples when I 'm working on my small 
>>>>>> projects,. I think people, specially newbies, might find it useful. 
>>>>>> Comparing myself to allot of members here, I do consider myself a 
>>>>>> newbie, 
>>>>>> although I have joined this group over 4-5 years ago or so. 
>>>>>> Any feature can be added if its needed or requested. 
>>>>>> I agree, over the years there were number of resources,  most of them 
>>>>>> got abandoned, but their resources are still out here (alter ego for 
>>>>>> example), and I still regularly visit them. Even if they might not work 
>>>>>> with current web2py version, we can still learn from them, well I do.
>>>>>> On Friday, 5 June 2015 21:35:08 UTC+2, Niphlod wrote: 
>>>>>>> not to be the buzzkiller but I won't post any example there that 
>>>>>>> exists on that ATM has at least 2 killer features: 
>>>>>>> social login and packages uploads.  
>>>>>>> BTW: until all snippets are continously tested, this is going to 
>>>>>>> become the 4th incarnation of a "web2py snippet blog/container/etc" 
>>>>>>> with 
>>>>>>> outdated pieces of code within the next year, when the buzz wears off.
>>>>>> -- 
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