Le 29/09/2015 00:53, Leonel Câmara a écrit :
> This version of yours should work
> def browser_email(): context = dict( 
>         verification_url_on_site_enabled=False, 
>         illustration_image_enabled=False, 
>         main_title_enabled=False 
>         ) 
>     return response.render('templates/email_verification.html', context) 
> Yes put it in a model. A module is also fine as long as you get
> response from gluon.current.

First I'd like to thank you very much for your guidance, you really
helped me through the reasoning process.

But actually, I found what was wrong, I read the core chapter a
few times but I did take too lightly the word :

/"The view must have the same name as the action (unless
specified otherwise)"/

Mine didn't, as I thought that response.view or response.render
did specify it.. Actually no, it seems. An empty file named like the
controller function does the trick. As you said, the redirection was
done without any variable.

Everything is ok now ! It was really surprising that something as
simple as I wanted to do led to a so complicate handling.

Sorry if I wasted your time, yet you didn't waste mine at all so thanks
again. ;)

Kind regards,

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                                              Diogene Laerce

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