On Jun 19, 8:27 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> These are different problems. Even you could do "as", which you
> technically an but it is complicated, would not rename the web2py
> column.
> You can rename the column without the "as".
> rows=db(..).select(...)
> rows.colnames is a list with the colnames. You can change any element
> in this list as you please. Look what is in there first.

I believe changing colnames is a no-no.

>From http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/b42be1fa72b2c591

Changing row.colnames changes the way to retrieve columns when you
change colnames. Bad.

I take back my suggestion about changing colnames to change the column
names. DO NOT DO IT. There is a better and cleaner way:

Instead of simply printing {{=rows}}, print {{=SQLTABLE
(rows,headers=headers)}} instead where headers is a dictionary you
define that looks like this:


the headers names in the dictionary will be renamed accordingly.

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