Thanks for putting this together. There are a bunch of performance tips
in the web2py book too. Wondering if your compilation can find a home
there. Also, in another thread, you had mentioned about Heroku
deployments, and how it requires the web application to perform
compression of assets, and not the web-server. That is a good thing to
know, and one which needs to be captured some place accessible (web2py
book, again?).
Kiran Subbaraman
On Sun, 13-09-2015 11:33 PM, Louis Amon wrote:
I'm opening a thread dedicated to website performance issues in
web2py, giving the answers I've got so far so that other may
contribute as well.
Static assets (fonts, vendor CSS & JS)
How do you manage & distribute these ?
Fonts are easiest to manage using Google Fonts
<https://www.google.com/fonts>. This tool will generate an optimized
file load management through Google's CDNs.
If at all possible, your static files need to be compiled into one big
bundle per page (main.css & main.js) so that you can optimize its
delivery. This can be done using Bower to download the source code and
Gulp or Grunt to concatenate it into one file.
Otherwise, I'd recommend using the minified version of your vendors
and using your own CDN for delivery, as publicly available ones aren't
very reliable in terms of speed.
Dynamic assets (fast-changing CSS & JS, e.g : your main.css & main.js)
The challenge here is minification, variable replacement for JS (if
you're not using AngularJS), compression & versioning.
Grunt & Gulp can take care of all this through a deployment task
system, and you can get a manifest in JSON format giving you the
versioned filename for each of your generated files.
See gulp-rev-all <https://github.com/smysnk/gulp-rev-all> for the
versioning / manifest generation part.
Personally, I'm using Gulp to generate the minified bundles and then
I'm using Django's collectstatic combined with Whitenoise to generate
a gzipped & versioned file for all of my assets (I can go into details
on how to combine Django's collectstatic with Web2py in another thread
if someone is interested)
Static images
Google PageSpeed Insights
<https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights> recommends
that you resize & compress your images as much as can be done.
Compressing is a matter of using higher compression indices when
generating your output files in .png or .jpg formats (using Photoshop,
GIMP...), as these algorithmically include a compression.
In case you would need to use a format different than these, I'd
recommend gzipping... but really you don't wanna stray too much from
As far as I know, resizing has to be done manually since no machine
can know what the maximum viewable size of your content may be
(especially with responsive websites). It is a sensible step that
requires a lot of human interaction from your webdesigner.
Compression, on the other hand, can be done automatically with a gulp
task <https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-image-optimization>.
Dynamic images (uploads)
Again, they need to be optimized in terms of size & compression.
Resizing can be easilly done in web2py with a computed field (i.e.
something like Field('image_resized', 'upload',
compute=THUMB(200,200), uploadfolder='uploads/resized')).
Compression can be done in the compute fonction I guess, but I confess
I haven't spent much time on this yet.
The Python Imaging Library, forked as Pillow
<https://python-pillow.github.io/> these days, has all sorts of
functions to achieve that.
HTML responses
Once you've compressed static assets, Google PageSpeed will
(rightfully) nag you about compressing your HTML response itself.
Web2py includes a contribution for html minification
(contrib/minify/html_minify.py) which can be used easilly with a
I've created a small decorator than handles compression:
render =response.render(out)ifisinstance(out,dict)elseout
Using these decorators has to be done in the right order
(minification, then compression) otherwise you'll run into trouble :)
Here's how to do it :
I've managed to reduce the size of my homepage's HTML code from 36.6KB
to 7.6KB using both minification & compression.
Please note that these decorators do mean a CPU overhead for your
It is up to you to use one or both depending on what kind of hardware
your server runs on.
There is also the possibility of using a caching strategy to reduce
processing time. I'd recommend web2py's @cache.action(...) decorator
for that.
HTML response headers
Now for the most important part : settings the right headers on your
Most of the performance-oriented websites nowadays will rely on CDNs
to act as proxies and cache resources.
This is especially useful for static assets, as these can be served
through your webserver and then cached in your CDN.
If you use Amazon Cloudfront for instance, you can set your website
(http://your-website.com) as origin of the distribution, which means
Cloudfront will look for the resource on your webserver once and then
basically cache it "forever", serving it to your client from whichever
Cloudfront endpoint is closest to him.
I say "forever" because this behavior can and should be controlled
with specific headers.
If you're versioning your files (following the above-mentioned
advice), then you can set far-future cache headers without any risk of
stale data. Otherwise, you need to be very careful about how long you
want to cache your data.
Now basically, your want to set 3 headers:
1. Content-Encoding: how did you compress your data ? (e.g. : 'gzip',
'deflate'). You need to check the Accept-Encoding header in your
client's request beforehand to make sure its browser supports the
proposed compression algorithm (all browers nowadays support
on-the-fly decompression so this is mainly for old browsers)
2. Content-Type: if you did use a compression algorithm, then you
need to specify this header so that your client's browser will
interpret your data correctly (and not based on it's content,
which otherwise would be interpreted as 'octet/stream'). Amazon S3
will suggest you default values based on the file extension when
setting this manually, otherwise web2py has an amazing solution
for that : http://web2py.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contenttype.html
3. Cache-Control: this will determine how long you want your client's
browser to keep the data, avoiding unnecessary requests to your
webserver. Web2py will implicitly set it if you use the
@cache.action(...) decorator. I'd recommend this article
to understand the basics of browser caching leverage.
Possible improvements
My main issue with web2py so far is serving static files with custom
Web2py's wsgi implements a very basic caching strategy:
31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT'response.stream(static_file,request=request)
That code requires programmers to use web2py's versioning system
which, no offense, isn't even close to Gulp's or Django's.
I've ended up writing my own static file controller as follows :
relpath =request.env.PATH_INFO
fullpath =os.path.join(request.folder,'static','dist',*request.args)
s-maxage=315360000, no-transform, public'
ifos.path.isfile(fullpath +'.gz'):
# Gzipped version exists
fullpath =fullpath +'.gz'
My main issue with it is that there is an unnecessary overhead
generated by loading models before resolving this function, whereas
web2py's default static management goes directly through the wsgi.
Possible solutions may be : managing the model architecture to prevent
other models from loading when serving through this function ? using a
dedicated WSGI such as Whitenoise
<http://whitenoise.evans.io/en/latest/> ? (I've given it several
attemps but I've never managed to successfully plug it into web2py.
Any advice on that ?)
I'm interested in finding a way to use the gzip compression algorithm
(instead of deflate) to compress html responses. Gzip is more standard
these days but Python's native function only allows file compression,
not strings directly.
Maybe it can be used with TempFiles (ugly), streams (less ugly) or
maybe there's another library that does just that. Do tell if you know
about any.
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