I'm using web2py 1.64.1. I'm seeing a strange behavior in my query.
I'm trying to isolate a record using a compound "and" clause ... very
simple stuff:

     records = db( (db.x.a == i) and (db.x.b==0) and (db.x.c==None)
and ...).select(db.x.ALL)

But, it returns a whole bunch of records that have nothing to do with
my match criteria.

I redid the search with an "or" clause instead, (don't ask me why I
did this 'cause it makes no sense to me):

    records = db( (db.x.a == i) or (db.x.b==0) or (db.x.c==None)
or ...).select(db.x.ALL)

and believe it or not, this works fine. I think I'm going nuts! Why
should this work?
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