I just fall on this trying to understand web2py list:string code :

Also notice that this field gets a default represent attribute which
represents the list of references as a comma-separated list of formatted
references. This is used in read forms and SQLTABLEs.

While list:reference has a default validator and a default representation,
list:integer and list:string do not. So these two need an IS_IN_SETor an
IS_IN_DB validator if you want to use them in forms.

It may be the reason of your issue, may try to use IS_IN_SET() maybe??


On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 8:53 PM, Richard Vézina <ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> They show in flash in 2.9.11 and 2.9.12...
> Though the widget doesn't displayed them...
> Do you see values in the flash message or not? From my understanding of
> you last message you have them...
> So, if it the case, I am pretty sure it is a widget issue... This issue
> seems to be there for a wild, I guess not much user have use this widget
> with keepvalue=True and it pass silently...
> You can open a ticket and link this thread.
> You may link you dummy app a way to reproduce the issue.
> Richard
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 8:45 PM, Richard Vézina <
> ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I bring your stuff into a dummy web2py app under web2py 2.9.5, the
>> keeped values appears in the flash message... Though they are not appearing
>> in the widget...
>> I will try it under more recent version...
>> wait
>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 8:24 PM, Ian W. Scott <scotti...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> Here's the packed app (list_string_test). I put a simple SQLFORM on the
>>> default/index to demonstrate the problem. The first field is a simple
>>> string field that keeps its values. The second field is a list:string field
>>> that doesn't. Actually, the list:string widget doesn't get populated with
>>> *any* of the submitted values. (I said before that the first one was kept,
>>> but it isn't). The response.flash message also shows you the submitted
>>> values for the list:string field, so you can see that on resubmission the
>>> blank field really doesn't submit any values.
>>> Assuming that you see the same problem here, do you want me to create
>>> the github issue or will you?
>>> Ian
>>> On Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 2:04:28 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>> Hi Ian,
>>>> Can you pack a dummy app with a list:string field an single field form
>>>> with SQLFORM.factory so I can try it here and confirm your issue...
>>>> Also, can you tell us which web2py version you use.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Richard
>>>> PS.: Once I confirm I have the issue we should open a ticket on
>>>> github...
>>>> #
>>>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ian W. Scott <scot...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> No, they're not submitted if I re-submit the form with the preserved
>>>>> values.
>>>>> Ian
>>>>> On Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 1:25:01 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>>>> Is the form widget only display the last input but insert the other
>>>>>> values? I mean, it may be possible that values are there but not 
>>>>>> correctly
>>>>>> display by the widget...
>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Ian W. Scott <scot...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry if I'm not explaining this well. The default widget for a
>>>>>>> list:string field is a vertically stacked list of inputs, one per value.
>>>>>>> There is a little + at right that allows me to add more inputs to the 
>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>> dynamically.
>>>>>>> In a SQLFORM, when I set keepvalues=True the values are preserved in
>>>>>>> the form fields after form submission. But only one of the inputs from 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> list:string widget is left, holding just the last string value submitted
>>>>>>> for that field. In other words, the form doesn't remember the additional
>>>>>>> inputs I added to the widget (by clicking +) before submission, and it
>>>>>>> forgets the submitted values from those additional inputs as well.
>>>>>>> I've experienced this on many forms, so I don't think it's my code.
>>>>>>> In the case that brought this up for me again, I'm creating a
>>>>>>> SQLFORM.factory with the fields defined in the controller. (You can see
>>>>>>> that I've got some for loops to simplify the creation and processing of 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> large number of fields, but otherwise it's straightforward.) The problem
>>>>>>> appears with the widgets for any of the list:string fields:
>>>>>>>         message = ''
>>>>>>>         output = ''
>>>>>>>         flds = [Field('label_template', 'string'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('words', 'list:string'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('aligned', 'boolean'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('avoid', 'list:string'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('testing', 'boolean')]
>>>>>>>         for n in ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']:
>>>>>>>             fbs = [Field('{}_prompt_template'.format(n),
>>>>>>> 'list:string'),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_response_template'.format(n),
>>>>>>> 'list:string'),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_readable_template'.format(n),
>>>>>>> 'list:string'),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_tags'.format(n), 'list:reference tags',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'tags.id', '%(tag)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_tags_secondary'.format(n), 'list:reference
>>>>>>> tags',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'tags.id', '%(tag)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_tags_ahead'.format(n), 'list:reference
>>>>>>> tags',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'tags.id', '%(tag)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_npcs'.format(n), 'list:reference npcs',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'npcs.id', '%(name)s'
>>>>>>> ,
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_locations'.format(n), 'list:reference
>>>>>>> locations',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'locations.id',
>>>>>>>                                            '%(map_location)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_instructions'.format(n),
>>>>>>>                          'list:reference step_instructions',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'step_instructions.id
>>>>>>> ',
>>>>>>>                                            '%(instruction_label)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_hints'.format(n), 'list:reference
>>>>>>> step_hints',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'step_hints.id',
>>>>>>>                                            '%(hint_label)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_step_type'.format(n), 'list:reference
>>>>>>> step_types',
>>>>>>>                          requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'step_types.id',
>>>>>>>                                            '%(step_type)s',
>>>>>>>                                            multiple=True)),
>>>>>>>                    Field('{}_image_template'.format(n), 'string')]
>>>>>>>             flds.extend(fbs)
>>>>>>>         form = SQLFORM.factory(*flds)
>>>>>>>         if form.process(keepvalues=True).accepted:
>>>>>>>             vv = request.vars
>>>>>>>             stepsdata = []
>>>>>>>             for n in ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']:
>>>>>>>                 nkeys = [k for k in vv.keys() if re.match('{}.*'.
>>>>>>> format(n), k)]
>>>>>>>                 filledfields = [k for k in nkeys if vv[k] not in [''
>>>>>>> , None]]
>>>>>>>                 if filledfields:
>>>>>>>                     ndict = {k: vv[k] for k in nkeys}
>>>>>>>                     stepsdata.append(ndict)
>>>>>>>             if isinstance(vv['words'], list):
>>>>>>>                 wordlists = [w.split('|') for w in vv['words']]
>>>>>>>             else:
>>>>>>>                 wordlists = [vv['words'].split('|')]
>>>>>>>             paths = self.make_path(wordlists,
>>>>>>>                                    label_template=vv.label_template,
>>>>>>>                                    stepsdata=stepsdata,
>>>>>>>                                    testing=vv.testing,
>>>>>>>                                    avoid=vv.avoid,
>>>>>>>                                    aligned=vv.aligned
>>>>>>>                                    )
>>>>>>>             message, output = self.make_output(paths)
>>>>>>>         elif form.errors:
>>>>>>>             message = BEAUTIFY(form.errors)
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 11:04:46 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>>>>>> Could you show your model and controller...
>>>>>>>> This make no sens...
>>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Ian W. Scott <scot...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I never got any suggestions on this, even though it seems like a
>>>>>>>>> significant limitation of the widget. Has anyone come up with a 
>>>>>>>>> solution
>>>>>>>>> for keeping all the values in a list:string field after form 
>>>>>>>>> submission?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 11:33:26 AM UTC-4, Ian W. Scott
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I've got a SQLFORM.factory form set to keep values after
>>>>>>>>>> processing with process(keepvalues=True). But it doesn't work on a
>>>>>>>>>> list:string field. The (otherwise very nice) widget loses all but 
>>>>>>>>>> the first
>>>>>>>>>> value when the form is submitted (i.e., all but the first text 
>>>>>>>>>> inputs for
>>>>>>>>>> the field disappear). Is there any way to carry those other text 
>>>>>>>>>> inputs and
>>>>>>>>>> their values over?
>>>>>>>>>> --
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