Thank you for detailed answer

I am trying to implement this in SQLFORM? Looks like multiple option is not
avaliable, the field is presented as text field in the form

BTW - why web2py does not add new field to a table. If I set migrate to
True I get an error "table already exists" if it is set to false new fields
were not created so I had to create them manually ??

Thank you

2015-08-07 19:10 GMT+08:00 Lisandro <>:

> Hi there.
> Web2py has some cool field types called "list:string", "list:integer" and
> "list:reference table". Check them here:
> In your case, you could avoid the creation of the third table with 
> *list:reference
> table*, for example, in your
> db.define_table('skill', Field('name'))
> db.define_table('worker',\
>     Field('name'),\
>     Field('skills','list:reference skill'))
> Then you can do things like:
> skill_1 = db.skill.insert(name='coding in python')
> skill_2 = db.skill.insert(name='making a cake')
> skill_3 = db.skill.insert(name='writing a song')
> db.worker.insert(name='John', skills=[skill_1, skill_2])
> db.worker.insert(name='Paul', skills=[skill_3])
> db.worker.insert(name='Richard', skills=[skill_2, skill_3])
> # search which workers have skill_2:
> have_skill_3 = db(db.worker.skills.contains(skill_2)).select()
> The list:reference field will be rendered as a select with multiple=True.
> You can always write your own widget to use other stuff, like checkboxes.
> Look for "list:reference" in this group, you will lots of posts about it.
> Hope it helps!
> El jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015, 22:51:53 (UTC-3), Yebach escribió:
>> Hello
>> How to solve the problem of one to many relationship:
>> Lets say I have a worker that has multiple skills. How to set up SQLFORM
>> to add as many skills to the worker as possible.
>> So skills in one table workers in another.I guess a third table will be
>> needed
>> Thank you
>> best regards
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