The first step would be to add it to the web2py roadmap :-)  I don't know 
enough about the code-base to comment on the implementation specifics.  
Would you see "comment" functionality being added to directly to the code or developed as a separate app/plugin?

On Thursday, 6 August 2015 18:12:00 UTC+12, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I very much agree with this. How do you propose we do it?
> On Wednesday, 5 August 2015 17:37:19 UTC-5, Limedrop wrote:
>> I hesitate to comment on this as it's one of those topics were there's 
>> not "one obvious way to do it" (obviously I'm not Dutch). Essentially, I 
>> think google groups does an okay job and the benefits of any change are 
>> likely to be outweighed by the heavy cost of that change.
>> Having said that, I've always thought that we're missing a trick by not 
>> integrating forum questions with the web2py book. Imagine having 
>> side comments with the book, making it more of a living 
>> document. Questions and answers would be right next to the relevant section 
>> of the book, providing further explanation and reducing RTFM answers. I 
>> guess you'd also add a better search facility, a stack-overflow style 
>> 'homepage' and possibly a slight re-structure of the book sections. Ask a 
>> question and it gets tagged to a book section.  The book is already built 
>> with - so we would be adding to functionality/infrastructure 
>> that has to be maintained anyway.
>> We can always dream ;-)

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