Lazy question ... how easy is it to theme like web2py widgets / menus etc?

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 02:59:27 UTC+10, Pablo Angulo wrote:
> I have packaged a plugin with one possible use of the great library 
> handsontable:
> You may comment on the plugin as you want, but I specifically want to ask 
> if you find the following trick acceptable (or improvable):
> The Handsontable plugin is used to load client side a potentially very big 
> table, and the data is stored by handsontable. I decided to suscribe to the 
> afterValidate event of the Handsontable object:
>         afterValidate:function(isValid,value,row,prop,source){
>             if(isValid){
>                 override[[rowids[row], prop]] = value;
>             }
>         }
> and record only the values that the user updates.
> Close to the div that holds the table there is a form consisting of a 
> submit button and hidden field.
> Then before the form is submitted, I stringify the object with all the 
> changes, and attach it to the hidden form field:
>     $('#submit').on('click', function(){
>         $('#override').val(JSON.stringify(override));
>     });
> Back in web2py, I recover the changes by the user in this way:
>         import json as json_parser
>         override = json_parser.loads(request_vars.override)
> Any comments would be appreciated.

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