I do it adding a button like you did, but


div class="subtitulo"><h3>  {{=datos_formula.nombre}} 
        <button class="btn" id="formula" title="clic para editar nombre" 
'panel')"> <i class="icon-pencil"></i></button>


<div  id ="panel"   width="100%"></div>


def formula_general():

    fields = ['nombre']
    record = session.formula

    form = SQLFORM(db.formulas, record, fields=fields)
    request.post_vars.id = session.formula

    if form.process().accepted:
        response.flash = 'actualizado'
    elif form.errors:
        response.flash = 'favor revisar'

    return dict(form=form)

in the new view (formula _general)
<form action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" 
<input type="hidden" name="_formname" value="{{=form.formname}}" /> 
<input type="hidden" name="_formkey" value="{{=form.formkey}}" />

 {{=form.custom.widget.nombre}}  {{=form.custom.submit}}  <button 
class="btn"  id="cancelar" 
 onclick="web2py_component('{{=URL('default','nada.load')}}', 'panel')"> 

# turns screen or div blank (for when user clics  on 'cancel'

def nada():
    return ''

On Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 9:35:46 PM UTC-5, Alex Glaros wrote:
> not sure how to describe this question, but is there a way to avoid 
> writing a separate edit page for a data item by using the same page that 
> displays it, but having a button submitted that says "edit", which enables 
> a conditional statement to edit the data on the same page?
> Normally I have a "edit" button on a view page (view_profile_data), which 
> takes user to a separate view page (edit_profile_data).
> To avoid creating the edit_profile_data page, is it possible to have a 
> conditional in the view_profile_data page like this:
> {{if edit_button is clicked:}}
>     {{=form}}
> {{pass}}
> Does anyone do it like that or does everyone send user to separate edit 
> page?  I guess I'm wondering if there are short-cuts.
> thanks,
> Alex Glaros

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