thank you for suggestions but..

Fran: agree maybe is not good MVC having requires in a view, but what
about having forms in the controller/model ? Do you think that good
MVC? Personally I hate throwing html (even helpers) in a controller.
But I know this is an old debate..

DenesL: I thought there was a custom way (somewhere in the manual) to
get your forms in views just setting a form=FORM() in the controller
without passing it to the view so preserving the chance to validate
inputs. I think I misunderstood that point but I do not grasp then the
point to get the form=FORM() statement in the controller..

maybe you can clarify this point?


On 17 Giu, 15:41, DenesL <> wrote:
> carlo,
> the INPUT in the view is not part of the form, the form has no fields.
> When form.accepts runs it does not have any field to check against
> request.vars .
> You will have to stick to Fran's suggestion.
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