Look into the kpax survey views. It does this.
On Jun 16, 9:11 pm, Joe Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Somewhere there's a description of how to use Ajax to hide/unhide form
> variables. This sounds like a good application for the technique.
> You could let the applicant click on a "corporate/individual" radio
> button and use the state to hide or unhide fields in the signon
> dialog.
> On Jun 16, 6:30 pm, Michael <michael.no...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm setting up a web service that needs to break companies and
> > individuals into two categories. I thought about having two seperate
> > databases and signup forms. However, how do i then use one login form?
> > I thought about using "groups". However I need company and personal
> > two have different login fields.
> > companies should have a valid address, company name, etc. Whereas
> > personal only needs username, email, and password.
> > Thanks!
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