Example: Role is "Citizen" (In db.auth_group)

Object (as in Subject/Predicate/Object) of role is "City of New Orleans" 
(Added extra field in db.auth_group "superObject" for this object role.)

In db.auth_membership, user_id is "Bob" with FK to db.auth_group.role. 
Result: "Bob is citizen of New Orleans."

So far so good, all New Orleans citizens are handled by being added to 

But Bob is also a citizen of Louisiana. And also a citizen of U.S.

How to have Louisiana and U.S. automatically inherit attributes so that 
system knows Bob is also citizen at state and federal level?

Goal is to have function in controller able to answer question "Is Bob a US 
citizen?" without having to redundantly place Bob in additional role groups 
(db.auth_group: state citizen role, db.auth_group: federal citizen role).


Alex Glaros

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