On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 12:19:21 AM UTC-7, MS wrote:
> We have a Web2py application hosted on Google app engine.
> We are trying to implement Taskqueue for fetching record from tables, we 
> are passing the filter field (date type) and number of years as parameters. 
> These parameters will be then passed to a Query to fetch the data from the 
> Database.
> Please find the code snippet as given below:
> Task_handler() function accepts the 2 input parameters and calls the 
> taskqueue which is defined in the task_process() function. In 
> task_process() function we are calculating the date based on the number of 
> years parameters and using it in the query to fetch the records older than 
> the calculated date.
> def task_handler():
>       if len(request.args):
>                 field= request.args[0]
> filter=int(request.args[1])
>        return 
> taskqueue.add(url=URL('task_process'),params={’field’:field,'diff': 
> filter,},method="POST")
> def task_process():
>                 field= request.form.get(‘field’)
> diff = request.form.get('diff')
>     filter_date = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(-(365*(diff)))
>     result = [] 
>     result = db(field < filter_date).select()
> Note :
> field in this case is db.<tablename>.<columnname>
> If we directly use the input parameter in query, it fails due to datatype 
> mismatch.
> So we tried by hard-coding the table field name in the query but got 
> Attribute Error for that.

 Perhaps you could show how you define "field" in your model.  Does "field" 
have datetime attributes?  It looks to me like your select expects it to.


> Kindly provide your inputs on what are we missing here or doing wrong.
> Thanks.

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