There is a conceptual problem. You can specify the constraint using SQL but 
when you input a form, how should the error be reported?

The standard practice is to attach a validator to only one of the two fields

db.define_table('x', Field('a'),Field('b'),...)
db.x.b.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.x.a==request.vars.a), db.b)

On Thursday, 18 June 2015 06:25:07 UTC-5, wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm hoping it's not a too stupid question as I'm new to web2py.
> I have a table which I fill with data about some games.
> Each game has an id but multiple players can possibly have played the same 
> game.
> So I basically need to have the (game_id, player_id) couple to be unique, 
> but not each of them separately (one user can play multiple games, and same 
> game can be used for multiple users).
> Is there a way to specify that ?
> My table is currently like :
> db.define_table("table",
>                 Field("game_id"),
>                 Field("user_id", 'reference auth_user', 
> default=auth.user_id),
>                 Field("player_name"),
>                 Field("start_date", type="datetime"),
>                 Field("duration_sec", type="integer"),
>                 Field("finish_place", type="integer"),
>                )
> Thanks in advance,
>   NiKAL

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