I cannot really help since this is a path issue. the Python running
under apache mod_wsgi does not seem to find psycopg2. This is not
exactly a web2py issue.  Perhaps some of our wsgi experts can give us
some advice.


On Jun 15, 4:14 pm, Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/6/14 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
> > There are two options here:
> > - installation was not successful
> It is working as expected when I use sqlite.
> > - you have two python versions (one has psycopg2 and you are using the
> > other to start web2py).
> Yes I have two versions.
> > Ignore web2py and see if you can do
> > python
> >>>> import psycopg2
> % python2.5
> Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Apr  4 2009, 17:55:16)
> [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> 
> import psycopg2
> % python
> Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41)
> [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import psycopg2
> I am running web2py behind a wsgi-apache setup.  I don't know what
> difference that would make to the python version and the problem
> regarding psycopg2.
> Thank you for your attention.
> Regards
> Johann
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