
The idea was not to compare web2py itself, as I said I use it in the
frontend but I found it interesting how they will review other
frameworks, but also lead to reflection on how to increase the
performance (requests per second) for  web2py

Alfonso de la Guarda
Twitter: @alfonsodg
Redes sociales: alfonsodg
   Telef. 991935157
5469 ED92 75A3 BBDB FD6B  58A5 54A1 851D B23B 24A4

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Derek <sp1d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> well, that's not a fair bet, falcon will compile itself with cython if it's
> available.
> On Monday, June 8, 2015 at 3:05:05 PM UTC-7, Alfonso de la Guarda Reyes
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As I'm finishing a project that requires processing information very
>> quickly (machine learning) and lately i am using #web2py for almost
>> everything, I found the dilemma of dividing it into a solution that
>> implements a REST-based backend and frontend based on web2py, the case
>> was whether that solution was actually the fastest way to avoid in the
>> short term make a refactoring project and so I found the bed
>> performance testing TechEmPower
>> https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r10&hw=ec2&test=fortune
>> And I decided to complete the rest of python based web frameworks and
>> make a decision based on performance, since all I need is a rest to
>> implement an API that works only with the frontend.
>> Thus I share the results of this benchmark, the same that has been
>> generated according to the specifications described in the repository
>> using TechEmPower vagrant to replicate your environment
>> http://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer/2e0aac
>> The result is similar to the URL of the test bed although almost all
>> web frameworks that have added multiple users, and the surprise of the
>> event was falcon, although it was also good to see that my querdio
>> Bottle still fast for its minimalist design.
>> Saludos,
>> --------------------------------
>> Alfonso de la Guarda
>> Twitter: @alfonsodg
>> Redes sociales: alfonsodg
>>    Telef. 991935157
>> 1024D/B23B24A4
>> 5469 ED92 75A3 BBDB FD6B  58A5 54A1 851D B23B 24A4
> --
> Resources:
> - http://web2py.com
> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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