It's not difficult to use logging, and that is the correct answer.

On Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 2:15:44 AM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
> I'd go with "print vars" simply. You'0ll be able to see in the console 
> where web2py was started. in production however the safest thing to do for 
> those kind of things is to use the logging module... but that's another 
> story: to quickly develop I find myself quite pleased with the console 
> opened and streaming whatever I print there.
> On Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 5:26:39 AM UTC+2, wrote:
>> One debugging method I find helpful is being able to "print" to console 
>> the variables, objects, etc. 
>> I'm creating a decoupled application and the client-side is sending args 
>> to the server-side. To understand what these args exactly entail I'd like 
>> to print them out using Python. 
>> Consider this example:
>> @request.restful()
>> def clients():
>>   def POST(**vars):
>>     print **vars
>>     return ...
>> By printing **vars, I intend to see that in console (or somewhere). Is 
>> this possible? If so, how can I achieve this?
>> Thanks :)

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