Feel free to fork and we'll keep it in sync or use your as a subpackage.

Anyway, I strongly recommend 
instead of the python based markmin. They are not 100% compatible and the 
latter does a little more but the former does it better. In particular it 
handles better the oembed protocol because the request originate from the 
client and not the server.


On Monday, 1 June 2015 01:45:18 UTC-5, Gour wrote:
> Hello, 
> for simply web sites I want to use Nikola - Python-powered 
> static-site-generator (http://getnikola.com) which supports writing 
> content 
> by using many different markup languages. 
> Yesterday, while chatting on IRC with main developer, I asked him about 
> adding support for markin and he replied it could be done in 5 minutes, 
> but 
> he noted there is no separate package for it, so I wonder what do you 
> think 
> about releasing markmin as PyPI package? 
> Have you thought about using it out of the web2py's scope? 
> Maybe it could be useful for some people as well as bring some new ones to 
> web2py. 
> Just a thought... 
> Sincerely, 
> Gour 
> -- 
> A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of 
> desires — that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is 
> ever being filled but is always still — can alone achieve 
> peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires. 

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