On 1 June 2015 at 13:38, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just to be clear, the old behavior was a bug (and a particular problem
> when the user sorted on a column within the grid, which overrides the
> original orderby). Pagination is a fundamental feature of the grid, so it
> ought to "just work." Note, we cannot leave it up to the developer to
> explicitly specify the proper set of orderby fields because of the issue
> with user-initiated sorting in the UI (which overrides the default ordering
> specified by the developer).
> You have a special case in which you are willing to risk pagination errors
> in order to boost speed. While that might be a reasonable trade-off in your
> particular case, it is not necessarily appropriate default behavior.
> However, we should certainly document the new behavior and the
> auto_pagination option.
> If you'd like, you can do something like the following in a model:
> import functools
> mygrid = functools.partial(SQLFORM.grid, auto_pagination=False)
> and then use mygrid in place of SQLFORM.grid in your code (though I
> suspect in most cases you would still prefer the default behavior in order
> to guarantee proper pagination when speed is not an issue).

Thanks Anthony.  Correct.  I do not want it in all cases. After reading up
on it I came accross this link (
http://chrisdone.com/posts/postgresql-pagination) where the author
illustrates just how slow PostgreSQL's "OFFSET" can be which is probably
part of my problem in this case.  I will just have to develop alternative
methods to work with cases where one queries millions of rows.  One of my
tables has more than 500 million records.


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