Are the commented lines necessary or was that for self reference?

# js += '$("#%s_option_add_trigger").
click(function() {' \
        #       '    $("#%s_dialog-form").dialog("open");' \
        #       '    return false;' \
        #       '    }); ' % (my_select_id, my_select_id)

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 9:33:28 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
> you need bootstrap 2.3.2 (not tested with BS3, but I am pretty sure it is 
> not working, too differents)...
> Did you try it with a recent web2py setup? I would suggest you try with 
> web2py 2.9.5 which is what I use actually and it works...
> Richard
> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:20 AM, LoveWeb2py < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Another observation:
>> All of this code:
>>> js += '$(function() {' \
>>>               '    $("#%s_option_add_trigger").button({' \
>>>               '        text: true,' \
>>>               '        icons: {' \
>>>               '            primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"' \
>>>               '        }' \
>>>               '    });' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += '$(function() { ' \
>>>               '    $( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).css("margin-left", 
>>> "+=5"); ' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += 
>>> '$("#{modal_id}").appendTo("body");'.format(modal_id=my_select_id 
>>> + "_modal-form")
>>>> Get's commented out when it's rendered so it ends up looking like this 
>> <!-- $(document).read(function() .... .appendTo("body");}); //-->
>> Any idea why that could be happening and would that impact the button 
>> showing the modal 
>> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 8:45:49 AM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>>> Hi Richard!
>>> I think I'm getting close. No more errors, and I applied the widget to 
>>> the field successfully. I see the + sign next to my field, but nothing 
>>> happens when I click it so I'm going over the javascript with a fine tooth 
>>> comb. Is there any additional .js or .css files I need to include?
>>> This is really looking promising!
>>> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 12:42:34 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> Let say the FK field is field2 :
>>> Field('field2','reference main_table',  # Better syntax thand 
>>> "db.main_table"
>>>          widget=AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(
>>>                                                 request=request,
>>> field=db.main_table.field1,  # which is you reprensting field
>>>                                                 id_field=
>>>                                                 limitby=(0, 10),  # how 
>>> much records you want in the dropbox
>>>                                                 min_length=6,  # when 
>>> you want the autocomplete pop in or how many caracters user have to entered 
>>> before the autocomplete kickin
>>>                                                 form_title=T('Add new 
>>> title'),
>>>                                                 controller="controler 
>>> name that contains the below function",
>>>                                                 function="your add 
>>> function name",
>>>                                                 button_text=T('Add new'),
>>>                                                 placeholder=T('Start 
>>> typing...'))
>>> Richard
>>> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 12:34 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>>> Thank you, Richard. I think i'm getting closer. Could you show me an 
>>> example of how you apply this to a specific field in SQLFORM?
>>> Going back to my original model:
>>> db.define_table('main_table',
>>>         Field('field1','string'),
>>>         Field('field2','string'),
>>>         migrate=False)
>>> db.define_table('second_table',
>>>         Field('field1','db.main_table'),
>>>         Field('field2','db.main_table')
>>>         migrate=False)
>>> How could I integrate your widget with field 2 for a SQLFORM?
>>> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 9:40:02 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> The id field and what field you want to show as a representation of the 
>>> id field of the referenced table...
>>> Start by putting the widget class in model file even if it not a good 
>>> thing to see if you can make it works...
>>> In the module I have these imports : 
>>> from gluon.html import *
>>> from gluon.sqlhtml import *
>>> from gluon import current
>>> from gluon.compileapp import LOAD
>>> Which may not be related to the widget class...
>>> Richard
>>> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:28 PM, LoveWeb2py <> wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> I'm trying to get this setup, but am receiving an error self.url = 
>>> URL(args=request.args)\nNameError: global name \'URL\' is not defined\n'. 
>>> I'm wondering if this is because the gluon hasn't been imported yet.
>>> Also, could you ellaborate more on this?
>>> field=db.table.representing_field,
>>> id_field=db.table.id_field,
>>> id_field should be the foreignkey table if I am not mistaking? 
>>> db.table.representing field, and db.table2.id_field (with foreign key) does 
>>> that sound right?
>>> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 10:04:35 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> *# In a modules :*
>>> class AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(object):
>>>     _class = 'string'
>>>     def __init__(self,
>>>                  request,
>>>                  field,
>>>                  id_field=None,
>>>                  db=None,
>>>                  orderby=None,
>>>                  limitby=(0, 10),
>>>                  keyword='_autocomplete_%(fieldname)s',
>>>                  min_length=2,
>>>                  # 
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                  # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>>                  controller=None, function=None, form_title=None,
>>>                  button_text = None, dialog_width=1000,
>>>                  # 
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                  placeholder=None
>>>                  ):
>>>         self.request = request
>>>         self.keyword = keyword % dict(
>>>         self.db = db or field._db
>>>         self.orderby = orderby
>>>         self.limitby = limitby
>>>         self.min_length = min_length
>>>         self.fields = [field]
>>>         self.placeholder = placeholder
>>>         if id_field:
>>>             self.is_reference = True
>>>             self.fields.append(id_field)
>>>         else:
>>>             self.is_reference = False
>>>         if hasattr(request, 'application'):
>>>             self.url = URL(args=request.args)
>>>             self.callback()
>>>         else:
>>>             self.url = request
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>>         if form_title is None:
>>>             self.form_title = current.T('Add New')
>>>         else:
>>>             self.form_title = current.T(form_title)
>>>         if button_text is None:
>>>             self.button_text = current.T('Add')
>>>         else:
>>>             self.button_text = current.T(button_text)
>>>         self.dialog_width = dialog_width
>>>         self.controller = controller
>>>         self.function = function
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     def callback(self):
>>>         if self.keyword in self.request.vars:
>>>             field = self.fields[0]
>>>             rows = 
>>> self.db([self.keyword]+'%')
>>>                            ).select(orderby=self.orderby, 
>>> limitby=self.limitby, *self.fields)
>>>             if rows:
>>>                 if self.is_reference:
>>>                     id_field = self.fields[1]
>>>                     raise HTTP(200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword, 
>>> _class='autocomplete',
>>>                                            _size=len(rows), 
>>> _multiple=(len(rows) == 1),
>>>                                            *[OPTION(s[], 
>>> _value=s[],
>>>                                                     _selected=(k == 0))
>>>                                              for k, s in 
>>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>>                 else:
>>>                     raise HTTP(200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword, 
>>> _class='autocomplete',
>>>                                            _size=len(rows), 
>>> _multiple=(len(rows) == 1),
>>>                                            *[OPTION(s[],
>>>                                                     _selected=(k == 0))
>>>                                              for k, s in 
>>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>>             else:
>>>                 raise HTTP(200, '')
>>>     def __call__(self, field, value, **attributes):
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>>         my_select_id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename,
>>>         # 'test_ph_eregistry_id' #select_widget.attributes.get('_id', 
>>> None)
>>>         add_args = [my_select_id]
>>>         # create a div that will load the specified controller via ajax
>>>         # form_loader_div = DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, f=self.function, 
>>> args=add_args, ajax=True),
>>>         #                       _id=my_select_id + "_dialog-form", 
>>> _title=self.form_title)
>>>         form_loader_div = DIV(DIV(BUTTON('x', _type='button', 
>>> _class='close',
>>>                                          **{'_data-dismiss': 'modal',
>>>                                             '_aria-hidden': 'true'}),
>>>                                   H3(self.form_title, 
>>> _id='myModalLabel'), _class='modal-header'),
>>>                               DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, 
>>> f=self.function, args=add_args, ajax=True, ajax_trap=True),
>>>                                   _class='modal-body'),
>>>                               _id=my_select_id + "_modal-form", 
>>> _class='modal hide fade',
>>>                               **{'_tabindex': '-1', '_role': 'dialog', 
>>> '_aria-labelledby': 'myModalLabel',
>>>                                  '_aria-hidden': 'true'})
>>>         # generate the "add" button that will appear next the options 
>>> widget and open our modal
>>>         activator_button = A(I(_class='icon-plus-sign icon-2x'), 
>>> _id=my_select_id+"_option_add_trigger",
>>>                              _class='add-and-select-button')
>>>         # create javascript for creating and opening the dialog
>>>         # js = '$("#%s_dialog-form").dialog({' \
>>>         #      '    autoOpen: false,' \
>>>         #      '    show: "fade",' \
>>>         #      '    hide: "fade",' \
>>>         #      '    width: %s' \
>>>         #      '    });' % (my_select_id, self.dialog_width)
>>>         js = '$("#%s_modal-form").modal({ backdrop: true, keyboard: 
>>> true, show: false });' % (my_select_id)
>>>         # js += '$("#%s_option_add_trigger").click(function() {' \
>>>         #       '    $("#%s_dialog-form").dialog("open");' \
>>>         #       '    return false;' \
>>>         #       '    }); ' % (my_select_id, my_select_id)
>>>         js += '$("#%s_option_add_trigger").click(function() ' \
>>>               '{ $("#%s_modal-form").modal("show"); return false; }); ' 
>>> % (my_select_id, my_select_id)
>>>         # decorate our activator button for good measure
>>>         js += '$(function() {' \
>>>               '    $("#%s_option_add_trigger").button({' \
>>>               '        text: true,' \
>>>               '        icons: {' \
>>>               '            primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"' \
>>>               '        }' \
>>>               '    });' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += '$(function() { ' \
>>>               '    $( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).css("margin-left", 
>>> "+=5"); ' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += 
>>> '$("#{modal_id}").appendTo("body");'.format(modal_id=my_select_id + 
>>> "_modal-form")
>>>         # jQuery .appendTo() move modal div in body to avoid nested form 
>>> which are not allow in HTML
>>>         js = """$(document).ready(function() {
>>>                  %s
>>>              });""" % js
>>>         jq_script = SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript")
>>>         wrapper = DIV(_id=my_select_id+"_adder_wrapper")
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         default = dict(
>>>             _type='text',
>>>             value=(not value is None and str(value)) or '',
>>>             )
>>>         attr = StringWidget._attributes(field, default, 
>>> _placeholder=self.placeholder, **attributes)
>>>         div_id = self.keyword+'_div'
>>>         attr['_autocomplete'] = 'off'
>>>         if self.is_reference:
>>>             key2 = self.keyword+'_aux'
>>>             key3 = self.keyword+'_auto'
>>>             # 
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>             # find the longest record and set input size attribute 
>>> accordingly
>>>             length = self.fields[0].len()
>>>             longest_record_length = len(self.db().select(self.fields[0],
>>>                                                          orderby=~length,
>>>                                                          limitby=(0, 
>>> 1)).first()[self.fields[0].name])
>>>             attr['_size'] = int(longest_record_length * 1.20)  # 20% 
>>> wider field width
>>>             # 
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>             attr['_class'] = 'string'
>>>             name = attr['_name']
>>>             if 'requires' in attr:
>>>                 del attr['requires']
>>>             attr['_name'] = key2
>>>             value = attr['value']
>>>             record = self.db(self.fields[1] == 
>>> value).select(self.fields[0]).first()
>>>             attr['value'] = record and record[self.fields[0].name]
>>>             attr['_onblur'] = "$('#%(div_id)s').delay(1000).fadeOut();" 
>>> % \
>>>                 dict(div_id=div_id, u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             # delay(500) is pretty important for "$('#%s').keyup(); 
>>> $('#%s').blur();"
>>>             # from the add_eregistry function
>>>             attr['_onkeyup'] = \
>>>                 "$('#%(key3)s').val('');" \
>>>                 "var e = event.which?event.which:event.keyCode;" \
>>>                 "function %(u)s() {" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(id)s').val($('#%(key)s :selected').text());" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(key3)s').val($('#%(key)s').val())" \
>>>                 "};" \
>>>                 "if (e == 39) %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "else if (e == 40) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').next().length)" \
>>>                 "        $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).next().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if (e == 38) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').prev().length)" \
>>>                 "        $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).prev().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if ($('#%(id)s').val().length >= 
>>> %(min_length)s)" \
>>>                 "    $.get('%(url)s?%(key)s=' + 
>>> encodeURI($('#%(id)s').val()), function(data) {" \
>>>                 "        if (data == '')" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key3)s').val('');" \
>>>                 "        else {" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide();" \
>>>                 "           
>>>  $('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus();" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(div_id)s select').css('width', 
>>> $('#%(id)s').css('width'));" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key3)s').val($('#%(key)s').val());" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key)s').change( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key)s').click( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "        };" \
>>>                 "    });" \
>>>                 "else $('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut();" % dict(url=self.url, 
>>> min_length=self.min_length,
>>> key=self.keyword, id=attr['_id'], key2=key2, key3=key3,
>>>                                                           name=name, 
>>> div_id=div_id, u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             if self.min_length == 0:
>>>                 attr['_onfocus'] = attr['_onkeyup']
>>>             wrapper.components.extend([TAG[''](INPUT(**attr),
>>>                                       INPUT(_type='hidden',
>>>                                       _id=key3,
>>>                                       _value=value,
>>>                                       _name=name,
>>>                                       requires=field.requires),
>>>                                       DIV(_id=div_id,
>>>                                       _style='position:absolute;')),
>>>                                       form_loader_div,
>>>                                       activator_button,
>>>                                       jq_script])
>>>             return wrapper
>>>         else:
>>>             attr['_name'] =
>>>             attr['_onblur'] = "$('#%(div_id)s').delay(1000).fadeOut();" 
>>> % \
>>>                 dict(div_id=div_id, u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             # delay(500) is pretty important for "$('#%s').keyup(); 
>>> $('#%s').blur();"
>>>             # from the add_eregistry function
>>>             attr['_onkeyup'] = \
>>>                 "var e = event.which?event.which:event.keyCode;" \
>>>                 "function %(u)s() {" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(id)s').val($('#%(key)s').val())" \
>>>                 "};" \
>>>                 "if (e == 39) %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "else if (e == 40) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').next().length)" \
>>>                 "        $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).next().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if (e == 38) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').prev().length) 
>>> $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).prev().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if ($('#%(id)s').val().length >= %(min_length)s) 
>>> $.get('%(url)s?%(key)s=' + encodeURI($('#%(id)s').val()), function(data) {" 
>>> \
>>>                 "    $('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide();" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus();" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(div_id)s select').css('width', 
>>> $('#%(id)s').css('width'));" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(key)s').change( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(key)s').click( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "});" \
>>>                 "else $('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut();" % dict(url=self.url, 
>>> min_length=self.min_length,
>>> key=self.keyword, id=attr['_id'], div_id=div_id,
>>> u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             if self.min_length == 0:
>>>                 attr['_onfocus'] = attr['_onkeyup']
>>>             wrapper.components.extend([TAG[''](INPUT(**attr),
>>>                                                DIV(_id=div_id,
>>>  _style='position:absolute;')),
>>>                                        form_loader_div,
>>>                                        activator_button,
>>>                                        jq_script])
>>>             return wrapper
>>> # In a model (a model file which is already call before you set your 
>>> widget...)
>>> from a_widget import AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption
>>> *# In your controller *
>>> def add_function():
>>>     """
>>>     Modal form for adding element
>>>     """
>>>     buttons = [TAG.button((I('', _class='icon-ok icon-large 
>>> icon-white'), CAT('  '), STRONG(T('Add'))),
>>>                           _type='submit',
>>>                           _class='btn btn-small btn-primary',
>>>                           _id='add_button_id',
>>>                           _name='add_button',
>>>                           )]
>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.table, buttons=buttons, formstyle=formstyle, 
>>> separator=separator)
>>>     response.js = '$(document).ready(function(){ 
>>> $(".input_wrapper").has(".error").addClass("inputError"); ' \
>>>                   '$(".w2p_fw").has(".error").addClass("control-group 
>>> error"); ' \
>>>                   '$(".w2p_fw").each(function(){ 
>>> $(this).find(".error_wrapper").appendTo(this); }); });'
>>>     response.js += '$(document).ready(function(){ 
>>> $("textarea").elastic(); });'
>>>     response.js += '$(document).ready(function () { 
>>> $("[rel=tooltip]").tooltip(); });'
>>>     if form.process(formname='add_form').accepted:
>>>         response.flash = T("Added")
>>>         target = request.args(0)
>>>         # close modal
>>>         response.js = 
>>> '$("#{target}_modal-form").modal("hide");'.format(target=target)
>>>         # update the select options
>>>         response.js += """$("#{target}").append(
>>>                            "<option value='{new_id}'>
>>>                                {new_id}
>>>                            </option>");""".format(target=target, new_id=
>>>         # select newly added option
>>>         response.js += """$("#{target}").val("{new_exp_num}");
>>>                           $('#{target}').keyup(); $('#{target}').blur();
>>> ...
>>  -- 
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