
in web2py 2.9.5 and older I was using database views to simplify my work
doing  something like that:


having a view on my db with all mytable fields plus some others.

I define the view in web2py:

  db.define_table('myview',Field('myfield), Field('otherfield'))

So I was using the grid in this way:

  SQLFORM.grid(db.myview, field_id=db.mytable.id)

and worked like a charm showing the view in the grid and editing mytable in

Now doesn't work anymore cause this line of code:

  orderby = fix_orderby(orderby) in sqlhtml.py line 2561 (2.10.4)

but a simple:

  if not orderby:
     orderby = fix_orderby(orderby)

fix the problem.

I don't know if this way to proceed is/was supported or not but could save
a lot of work.

Can we restore the older behaviour?

What do you think?

Thank you

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