.. yes two years later as making thumbnails still useful!!
Thanks Niphlod, I'll do it with path.join call. Anyway the error was in the 
path, static/uploads instead of uploads.

Il giorno martedì 14 aprile 2015 16:56:00 UTC+2, Niphlod ha scritto:
> 2 years later ?!
> for starters, PLEASE don't concatenate paths as strings and use a proper 
> os.path.join call ....
> On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 4:53:14 PM UTC+2, Gael Princivalle wrote:
>> Hi.
>> If I click on the file link I obtain:
>> https://my_domain.com/my_app/appadmin/download/db/%5BErrno%202%5D%20No%20such%20file%20or%20directory:%20%27/home/my_folder/webapps/w2p_2_9_12_dev/web2py/applications/my_app/static/uploads/my_table.my_image.844c80079e794fbd.62726f777361626c655f636174616c6f6775652e6a7067.jpg%27
>> It seems that the my_image path is wrong, but I think it's not.
>> db.define_table('my_table',
>>                 Field('my_image', 'upload'),
>>                 Field('my_image_thumb', 'upload'))
>> from PIL import Image
>> def resize_image(image, size, path, rotate=0):
>>     if image:
>>         try:
>>             img = Image.open('%sstatic/uploads/%s' % (request.folder, 
>> image))
>>             img = img.convert("RGB")
>>             img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
>>             img = img.rotate(rotate)
>>             root, ext = os.path.splitext(image)
>>             filename = '%s_%s%s' %(root, path, ext)
>>             img.save('%sstatic/uploads/%s' % (request.folder, filename))
>>             return filename
>>         except Exception, e:
>>             return e
>>     else:
>>         return None
>> db.my_table.my_image_thumb.compute = lambda r: resize_image(r['my_image'
>> ], (250,140), 'thumb')
>> Do you have an idea?
>> Il giorno giovedì 1 marzo 2012 01:32:03 UTC+1, pbreit ha scritto:
>>> Oops, make sure to import PIL:
>>> from PIL import Image

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