
I have the following in my db.py file:

> Field('firstname'),
> Field('lastname'),
> Field('account', unique=True, length=12),
> Field('email', unique=True, length=255),
> Field('phone', unique=True, length=255),
> Field('addr'),
> Field('city'),
> Field('postal'),
> Field('signup_date', default=now),
> Field('recruited', 'boolean'),
> Field('recruitment_date'),
> Field('dropped_out', 'boolean'),
> Field('dropout_date'),
> Field('service_type'),
> format = '%(lastname)')

as well as these restraints

db.customer.firstname.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
> db.customer.lastname.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
> db.customer.email.requires = IS_EMAIL()
> db.customer.signup_date.writeable = db.customer.signup_date.readable = 
> False
> db.customer.recruited.writeable = db.customer.recruited.readable = False
> db.customer.recruitment_date.writeable = 
> db.customer.recruitment_date.readable = False
> db.customer.dropped_out.writeable = db.customer.dropped_out.readable = 
> False
> db.customer.dropout_date.writeable = db.customer.dropout_date.readable = 
> False
> db.customer.service_type.writeable = db.customer.service_type.readable = 
> False

And this controller:

def register():
>     form=SQLFORM(db.customer)
>     return dict(form=form)

But when I insert my form into a view I get all of the fields -- readable 
and writeable seem to be ignored. I'm using mysql as my database. What am I 
doing wrong?


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