Thank you for your feedback Richard. I will try the graphe model button and 
let you know. For the time being I start with sql designer despite its 

On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 12:22:28 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
> Reverse engineer is easy and commercial product have that... I don't know 
> open source schema designer that is enough mature to butter with it... If 
> you wrote your schema all by yourself you will have it in mind and you can 
> refer rapidly to your models when you have a doubt or use Graphe model 
> button available in the web2py online IDE near models files...
> If you have a big team this kind of tools may be essential for 
> communication purpose, but single dev will only wasting time trying to keep 
> designer and model in sync...
> Richard
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Ron Chatterjee < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I agree with you. And I can understand why no one is interested in data 
>> base schema. That said, there are some advantage of using schema. Here is a 
>> quote: "Ownership of schemas and schema-owned objects is transferable and 
>> Overall, maintenance of database become easier and I will recommend the use 
>> of schemas if you’re working with more than 20 tables." Also, multiple 
>> application can use same schema with alteration. If there are one to many, 
>> many to many and lot of tables, sometimes its complicated to see in the 
>> code than to visually observing. Also going between different frameworks 
>> etc. Moving from one database to another etc, much easier when you have the 
>> schema in place to begin with.
>> On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 11:43:32 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> Write model and see the schema with web2py graph model that rely 
>>> on pygraphviz... The rest is a waste of time!!
>>> :)
>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Ron Chatterjee <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Because I ran across this link:
>>>> of-sqlalchemy-models-in-6-steps
>>>> So I was curious. If I use vertabelo or sqldesigner and save the 
>>>> database as an XML format, is there way to use sqlachemy to generate DAL 
>>>> syntax. I know I am making it more complicated than it needs to be. But I 
>>>> am trying to learn all the bells and whistles. Here is an old blog (scroll 
>>>> down) that shows how to do, but its not XML specific.
>>>> Again, this are for learning different ways to do things. Not 
>>>> necessarily a deal breaker or a method of work. 
>>>> On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 10:59:42 AM UTC-4, José Borba wrote:
>>>>> Ron,
>>>>> XML is a data interchange format (like JSON, ASCII,...), not suitable 
>>>>> to storage data.
>>>>> To storage data, use a database (of your choice).
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> 2015-04-08 11:54 GMT-03:00 Kiran Subbaraman <>:
>>>>>> Won't a lxml based solution do? Am just trying to understand why you 
>>>>>> want DAL support for XML based file-storage?
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> Kiran Subbaraman
>>>>>> On Wed, 08-04-2015 7:14 PM, Ron Chatterjee wrote:
>>>>>>> Speaking of database,  if I have the xml file for the database, does 
>>>>>>> anyone know how to use in web2py? fo I need yo use sqlachamy?
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