hunter, anti-framing, attack,dummy, pointers, clickjacking, prevent, 
prompting, populated...I thought this is a web develop forum. lol. you are 
in the wrong group buddy. 

On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 7:12:02 PM UTC-4, Scott Hunter wrote:
> 1. Does web2py employ, allow or support any anti-framing measures, to 
> prevent "an attack that can trick the user into clicking on the link by 
> framing the original page and showing a layer on top of it with dummy 
> buttons".  If so, any pointers to either documentation describing how these 
> are present, or how one would enable them, would be appreciated. 
>  Supposedly not employing such measures can allow clickjacking and/or CSRF.
> 2. Does, or can, web2py "prevent the browser from prompting the user to 
> save populated values for later reuse"?
> - Scott

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