Found the problem. There were two rows with the same combination of 'name' 
and 'tag' values. That didn't violate any constraints on the table 
definition, so normally there was no difficulty. But it violated the 
"unique" constraint on the postgre index that indexed the 'name' and 'tag' 
columns together.

In case it helps anyone else, I stumbled across the bad data by dropping 
the index from the table (directly using postgresql, not via the dal) and 
then trying to re-create the index. Since I was using pgAdmin to do this, 
it gave me an error message identifying the offending combination of values.


On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 6:12:18 PM UTC-4, Ian W. Scott wrote:
> In a test function I set up some testing data in a postgresql database by 
> first deleting my test user's data and then inserting from a dictionary:
>         db( == user_login['id']).delete()
>         db.commit()
>         for tr in trecs:
>             db.tag_records.insert(**tr)
> When this hits the insert I consistently get the following error: 
>     ProgrammingError: ('ERROR', '23505', 'duplicate key value violates 
> unique constraint "idx_name_tag"')
> I've reindexed the whole database but that doesn't seem to help. 
> Strangely, it seems like this error comes up on the *second* run of the 
> code. In other words, the first run through the test the rows are deleted 
> and new rows inserted just fine. It's when the test function runs a second 
> time (there are several sets of test data) that this error appears.
> I've never run into a problem like this before, and I'm not very good with 
> the internals of postgresql yet. So any help is greatly appreciated. 
> The table definition looks like this:
> db.define_table('tag_records',
>                 Field('name', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id),
>                 Field('tag', db.tags),
>                 Field('times_right', 'double'),
>                 Field('times_wrong', 'double'),
>                 Field('tlast_wrong', 'datetime', default=dtnow),
>                 Field('tlast_right', 'datetime', default=dtnow),
>                 Field('in_path', db.paths),  # was path (reserved term)
>                 Field('step', db.steps),
>                 Field('secondary_right', 'list:string'),
>                 Field('uuid', length=64, default=lambda:str(uuid.uuid4
> ())),
>                 Field('modified_on', 'datetime',,
>                 )
> = IS_IN_DB(db, '',
>                                     db.auth_user._format)
> db.tag_records.tag.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', db.tags._format)
> db.tag_records.step.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', db.steps._format)
> db.tag_records.in_path.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', db.paths.
> _format)

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