I guess you're in a small "typo hiccup"

recap without "long table and field names":


you can get it rewritten (more understandable)

mysubquery = db(otherquery)._select(otherfield)
myquerywithbelongs = db.what_i_need.id.belongs(mysubquery)
thefinalquery = db(myquerywithbelongs).select(db.what_i_need.field)

You can't order inside the subselect (the one starting with the underscore, 
it's just a "condition"), as what you want "returned" isn't there.... it's 
in the "upper" select (the one without the underscore, i.e. the ACTUAL 

_select(db.news.category, distinct=True, orderby=db.news.category.name))).

should be rewritten as

_select(db.news.category, distinct=True))).select(orderby=db.news_categories

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 9:42:31 PM UTC+1, Gael Princivalle wrote:
> Thanks all.
> Niphlod what a great query.
> I'm just disappointed about the orderby, it don't have any effect:
> categories=db(db.news_categories.id.belongs(db(db.news.on_line==True).
> _select(db.news.category, distinct=True, orderby=db.news.category.name))).
> select()
> Do you know why?
> Il giorno martedì 10 marzo 2015 12:44:55 UTC+1, Niphlod ha scritto:
>> 2 queries ? nooooo
>> subselect - way, 1 query.
>> db(db.news_categories.id.belongs(db(db.news.id>0)._select(db.news.category, 
>> distinct=True))).select()
>> technically, there is also another one, more useful in case you'd like to 
>> select, e.g., only categories with at least x news, but that's another 
>> story.

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