Thank u leonel n Anthony.  That was very helpful. Nice to have so many
experts on this site!
On Feb 24, 2015 9:58 AM, "Leonel Câmara" <> wrote:

> 1)
> db is your instance of the DAL class. A class in python can have a
> __call__ method. If it does, instances of that class can be called like
> functions. Which is what your doing here with db(...).
> In this case the DAL's *__call__ *takes a query or nothing and returns a *Set
> *(not a python set, it's a DAL class). To make this query is why you have
> the second db. There's another method in the DAL called *__getattr__ *which
> allows you to get the tables from the DAL defined with *define_table *by
> using dot notation. So what you're doing here is ask the DAL instance to
> give you the table category.
> So now we know what this means:
> my_set = db(db.category)
> *You're asking for a Set with the table category.*
> *select* is a method of *Set* which pretty much is equivalent to SQL's
> select and returns *Rows*. Which is what you then do with:
> This can be simplified by simply calling select on the returning Set
> immediately so you don't need a variable for the set if you just want the
> Rows.
>  categories = db(db.category).select(
> In this case, on the orderby, first you get the table from db using
> getattr and then you get the *Field*, which you want to use to order,
> from the table.
> That said, you don't need to know any of this, just learn the DAL's syntax
> like Anthony said.
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