Thanks! Now that I've build my own view, the "grid" variable is no longer 

The pluralized table name is still showing, so I did some reading, and 
found that this is a special property of the smartgrid gadget 
that it *wants *to display the table name, and is able to guess the 
singular and plural names from the table name. We can specify in the 
define_table statement what we want the singular and plural to be, and when 
I specify *plural=''* then that tag stops showing. Groovy.

Is there a way to do this in the smartgrid args? For example, the headers 
argument allows one to rename field names. If not, no worries, as I will be 
using grid for most of my app so that I can send queries.

Thanks again.

On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 11:17:32 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro 
> You are using the generic.html view. That only works in development and it 
> is not a recommended policy in production. It is telling you that you have 
> a variable called grid and displaying the object.
> You need to make your own view and embed the grid with {{=grid}} so that 
> it won't display the name of the variable (grid).

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