On Jun 10, 3:49 pm, Gary <gary.k.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Massimo,
> Thank you so much for your feedback.  Most of the changes you
> suggested certainly made the code simpler and easier to read, but I
> have a couple of issues that I don't understand.
> 1) It appears that the line:
> getattr(crud,session.action)(db[tablename],record)

getattr(yyy,'xxx') is the same as yyy.xxx

> executes the crud call, but I don't understand how getattr() does
> that.  Could you provide a brief explanation?
> 2) If I directly return the dictionary that results from setsubmit
> (tablename), what would the format of the return be and what should
> the  variables in the form be named?  I tried a couple of combinations
> (widgets, inpval, dspval) , but they all failed (widget) carried extra
> data (impval) or failed to display an <input> on update.

You only need widgets

<input type="submit">

> 3) In thefields(), the value of curform is:
> <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><table><tr
> id="location_poleno__row"><td><label for="location_poleno"
> id="location_poleno__label">Poleno: </label></td><td>EBW 1234</
> td><td></td></tr><tr id="location_town_id__row"><td><label
> for="location_town_id" id="location_town_id__label">Town Id: </label></
> td><td>1</td><td></td></tr> .....
> and curform.record is:
> <SQLStorage {'electricprovider': None, 'update_record': <function
> <lambda> at 0x9ff80d4>, 'npolesize': None, 'notifydate':
> datetime.datetime(2009, 3, 27, 8, 9, 43), 'id': 2,
> 'specialprotection': None, 'city': 'East Brunswick', 'data1': None,
> 'zipcode': '08816', 'cableprovider': None, 'state': 'NJ', 'town_id':
> 1,  ....
> Please notice that in both places, the value of town_id is 1 and not
> the value in the related table.
> When I set mydict =  dict(form=curform) is was able to fix a syntax
> error 'mydict does not exist' but I'm not sure that's the right thing
> to do.  However, the real problem is an error message that says
> curform.custom.widget is not iterable.  Even if it fixes it, I'm still
> not sure what the variables in the form should be named.

I think you can do:

{{for fieldname in form.custom.widget:}}

I do not think you need thefields since it only provides info that is
alredy in the form.

Not sure if this helps.
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