Error ticket for "admin"Ticket ID <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> insecure string pickleВерсияweb2py™Version 2.9.12-stable+timestamp.2015. 2.7.6: C:\Python27\python.exe (prefix: C:\Python27)Traceback
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\web2py-m\gluon\", line 224, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "C:/web2py-m/applications/admin\compiled\", line 1945, in <module> File "C:\web2py-m\gluon\", line 393, in <lambda> self._caller = lambda f: f() File "C:/web2py-m/applications/admin\compiled\", line 1554, in errors File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 1378, in load return Unpickler(file).load() File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 858, in load dispatch[key](self) File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 966, in load_string raise ValueError, "insecure string pickle" ValueError: insecure string pickle Error snapshot [image: help] <> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>(insecure string pickle) inspect attributes Frames - *File C:\web2py-m\gluon\ in restricted at line 224* код аргументы переменные - *File C:\web2py-m\applications\admin\compiled\ in <module> at line 1945* код аргументы переменные - *File C:\web2py-m\gluon\ in <lambda> at line 393* код аргументы переменные - *File C:\web2py-m\applications\admin\compiled\ in errors at line 1554* код аргументы переменные - *File C:\Python27\lib\ in load at line 1378* код аргументы переменные - *File C:\Python27\lib\ in load at line 858* код аргументы переменные - *File C:\Python27\lib\ in load_string at line 966* код аргументы переменные Function argument list (self=<pickle.Unpickler instance>) Code listing 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. def load_string(self): rep = self.readline()[:-1] for q in "\"'": # double or single quote if rep.startswith(q): if len(rep) < 2 or not rep.endswith(q): raise ValueError, "insecure string pickle" rep = rep[len(q):-len(q)] break else: raise ValueError, "insecure string pickle" VariablesbuiltinValueError<type 'exceptions.ValueError'> Context locals request session response In file: C:\web2py-m\applications\admin\compiled\controllers.default.errors.pyc 1. <code object <module> at 072EADA0, file "C:/web2py-m/applications/admin\compiled\", line 3> -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit