If you are writing the SQL manually, you cannot have "db." in the table 
names, as that is Python code, not SQL. Anyway, this is probably not the 
best approach because IDs may not remain consecutive integers (e.g., if you 
delete a record). Instead, maybe it would be simpler to just select that 
last 22 records and then just take every other one of those.

As an aside, you can build up a query dynamically in a loop by using &= or 

    query_par |= db.articulos.id == i

As another aside, if you have a DAL query that works and you want to see 
the SQL that was generated, you can use ._select instead of .select to 
generate the SQL without executing the query (you can also look in 
response.toolbar or db._lastsql).


On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 6:59:32 PM UTC-5, José Eloy wrote:
> Hello!
> I need to build a variable query to select rows from a database. I need to 
> get the last 11 records from my database, but only the even.
> This the code of the controller:
>     # Muestra los últimos 11 artículos 
>     limite_articulos = 11
>     # Getting the max id of the table:
>     maxID = 
> db(db.articulos).select(db.articulos.id.max()).first()[db.articulos.id.max()]
>     # Getting the maxID-11
>     limite_bajo = maxID-limite_articulos
>     cuenta=0
>     even_query = ""
>     for i in range(limite_bajo,maxID):
>         cuenta+=1
>         if cuenta%2==0: # only the even records are saved
>             #print str(i) + " es " + str(cuenta)
>             query_par += "(db.articulos.id=='" + str(i) + "') | "
>     even_query = query_par[:-2]
> The resulted even_query is as follows:
>   even_query= (db.articulos.id=='2297') | (db.articulos.id=='2299') | (
> db.articulos.id=='2301') | (db.articulos.id=='2303') | (db.articulos.id
> =='2305')
> I use the resulted string in a query:
>     articulos = db(even_query).select(db.articulos.id, 
> db.articulos.titulo, db.articulos.contenido, db.articulos.autor,orderby=~
> db.articulos.id)     
> But, I get the following error:
> *class 'gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.ProgrammingError'> (1064, u"You have an 
> error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL 
> server version for the right syntax to use near '=='2297') | 
> (db.articulos.id <http://db.articulos.id>=='2299') | (db.articulos.id 
> <http://db.articulos.id>=='2301') | (db.articulo' at line 1")*
> If I write the query directy I don't get the error:
>     articulos = db((db.articulos.id=='2297') | (db.articulos.id=='2299') 
> | (db.articulos.id=='2301') | (db.articulos.id=='2303') | (db.articulos.id
> =='2305')).select(db.articulos.id, db.articulos.titulo, 
> db.articulos.contenido, db.articulos.autor, orderby=~db.articulos.id)     
> The database is SQL Server 2005, Web2py 1.99.7.
> How can to write a variable query? 
> Thanks for any help. Regards.
> P. D. I know my english is not very well, I hope you can understand me.

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