On Saturday, January 3, 2015 9:50:05 PM UTC-8, Dave S got the view in.

Trying yet again to post the controller

My controller is about 6 lines of code (and 25 lines of commented out code 
from earlier experiments);

2   def func():
3       query = 'db.logtable.id > 0'
4       maxId = db(db.logtable).select(db.logtable.id.max()).first()[db.
5       results = db().select( db.logtable.id, db.logtable.logx, 
db.logtable.logy, db.logtable.status,    
6          limitby=(0, 75), orderby=~db.logtable.logx)
7       return dict(records=results)

This shows the 75 newest records.

Given how difficult this code is, doing a passive display to support your 
appadmin work seems pretty easy, and with a multi-tabbed browser, having 
both views accessible is just another tab.

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