On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 12:17:53 PM UTC-8, Oliver wrote:
> I'm getting "None" printed in the webpage. I'm trying to print all 
> first_name in the users table database.  I'm trying to follow the select 
> section in 
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#Query--Set--Rows
> I'm using MySQL for database and have few test records inserted in the 
> users table.  Please let me know what am I missing in the controller.  I 
> appreciate your help.  Thanks
> *My Model: *
> db.define_table('users',
>                 Field('first_name', 'text'),
>                 Field('last_name', 'text'))
> *My Controller:*
> def printall():
>         for row in db(db.users.id > 0).select(db.users.ALL):
> print row.first_name
> or
> def printall():
>     for row in db().select(db.users.ALL):
> print row.first_name

You are trying to print to the console for development purposes?

If you are showing a "None" as your result, then it appears your query 
isn't selecting any rows.  If you use the command line interface to your DB 
(sqlite3?) can you form a SQL SELECT command that retrieves the records you 
want?  If so, can you paste that command here?


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