Didn't have time to take look yet, but If I understand correctly, just make 
a comment in any .py file, starting with TODO and it will show in the panel.
This is similar to e.g. Sublime text's SublimeTODO plugin and others... I 
suggest looking at those for ideas, e.g. SublimeTODO shows comments 
starting with "TODO:", "NOTE:", "FIXME:", "CHANGED:".

I use the first three, mostly.


On Saturday, December 20, 2014 10:08:36 PM UTC+1, LoveWeb2py wrote:
> How do we add to the TODO panel? I've tried double clicking and looking 
> for additional documentation but can't seem to find anything.
> On Sunday, December 8, 2013 4:36:00 AM UTC-5, Paolo Valleri wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> the online editor has got a new TODO panel in which are listed all TODO 
>> you might have in the current application.
>> For the time being it highlights only TODO in python files, in the short 
>> future we will support other file types and special keywords, along with 
>> the keyword TODO I've seen users using FIXME (please let me know the ones 
>> you use most). 
>> It is still in a work in progress feature, given that please let me know 
>> not only any issue you will find but also all extensions you foresee.
>> Paolo

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