Hi TSmith,

I'm experiencing the exact same issue! Were you able to resolve this issue?
And if so, how exactly did you do so?


On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 5:14:25 PM UTC+1, BlueShadow wrote:

> I found this wonderfull plugin: 
> http://dev.s-cubism.com/plugin_multiselect_widget
> which looks awesome for the things I wonna do.
> But I don't get ist to work with a field which has a list reference table
> I want the field to be either empty of filled with an unlimeted amount of 
> entries. So I had no required field at all:
> Field('Fruit','list:reference Fruits'),
> so I tried the following:
> from plugin_multiselect_widget import (
>     hmultiselect_widget, vmultiselect_widget,
>     rhmultiselect_widget, rvmultiselect_widget,
> )
> ...
> db.Cocktail.Fruit.requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db,'Fruits.id',
> 'Fruits.Name',multiple=True))
> db.Cocktail.Fruit.widget = hmultiselect_widget
> which gave me the multiselect widget but When I mark a fruit and click on 
> the register button nothing happens.

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