Another possible approach:

In a model or module:

def flash(message, classes=None):
    return CAT(message,
               SCRIPT('jQuery(".flash").addClass("%s");' % classes) if 
classes else '')

Then to create a flash message:

response.flash = flash('Congratulations, it worked!', 'success')


On Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:19:52 AM UTC-5, Leonel Câmara wrote:
> Ok here it goes, brace yourself.
> First in layout.html replace the original flash div with:
> <div class="{{='flash alert alert-dismissable ' + ('alert-' + 
> (response.flash_status or 'default'))}}">{{if 
> response.flash:}}{{=response.flash}}{{pass}}</div>
> This will be enough to put some color in it using response.flash_status in 
> a controller for example:
> response.flash = 'Form Accepted'
> response.flash_status = 'success'
> However what about session.flash and session.flash_status? You can add 
> this to your models:
> if session.flash_status:
>     response.flash_status = session.flash_status
>     del session.flash_status
> Ok now we have it working with session and response, however what about 
> when we get a flash from an ajax action that has a response.flash (for 
> instance a form in a loaded component). This one is slightly more 
> complicated and you need to add this to your models:
> def ajax_flash_status(view):
>     import urllib2
>     if response.flash:
>         if not response.flash_status:
>              response.flash_status = 'default'
>         response.headers['web2py-component-flash-status'] = \
>             urllib2.quote('alert-' + xmlescape(response.flash_status)\
>                               .replace('\n',''))
>     return view
> if request.ajax:
>     response.postprocessing.append(ajax_flash_status)
> This is not enough, the only thing we did is make sure the status goes in 
> a response header if we're answering an ajax request. Now we need to use 
> it. To do that, we need to "patch" web2py.js, so you need to create a 
> flashstatus.js file in your static folder and make sure it's included in 
> your layout.html *AFTER* web2py.js. There, you put the following code:
> $.web2py.after_ajax = function (xhr) {
>     /* called whenever an ajax request completes */
>     var command = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-command');
>     var flash = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-flash');
>     var flash_status = xhr.getResponseHeader(
> 'web2py-component-flash-status');
>     if(command !== null) {
>         eval(decodeURIComponent(command));
>     }
>     if(flash) {
>         $.web2py.flash(decodeURIComponent(flash), decodeURIComponent(
> flash_status));
>     }
> };
> $.web2py.flash = function (message, status) {
>     var flash = $('.flash');
>     $.web2py.hide_flash();
>     flash.html(message);
>     if (typeof status !== 'undefined') {
>         flash.removeClass('alert-default alert-success alert-info 
> alert-warning alert-danger').addClass(status);
>     }
>     if(flash.html()) {
>       flash.append(
>         '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">' +
>         '<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">' +
>         w2p_ajax_close_message +
>         '</span>' +
>         '</button>'
>       ).slideDown();
>     }
> };
> Aaaand you're done!
> I should probably make a plugin out of this to simplify stuff.

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