I miss this one...

How does JForm will cohabit with Angularjs or Ractivejs?


On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In my todo list but no great progress yet.
> On Friday, 14 November 2014 05:58:10 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:
>> Just checking the status of Jform.
>> Any news on it?
>> Regards
>> António
>> 2014-09-10 2:02 GMT+01:00 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>:
>>> I agree. I have not implemented but I was planning to add this feature.
>>> On Tuesday, 9 September 2014 03:44:30 UTC-5, Leonel Câmara wrote:
>>>> This is the corresponding JS one optimized for bootstrap 3:
>>>>>     jform.widgets['text'] = function(field) { return
>>>>> jform.tag('textarea',{'name':field.name,'class':'form-contro
>>>>> l'})(field.value); }
>>>> Massimo that looks good, however in SQLFORM I can change the textwidget
>>>> in a very specific way - I can change it for a single field on a single
>>>> table on a single controller, changing widgets in jform like this wouldn't
>>>> work because you would change the text widget for all jforms being rendered
>>>> in that webpage.
>>>> Maybe you want to change the widget for just that one form and leave
>>>> the others unchanged. Sometimes, you do want to change your textwidgets
>>>> application wide but sometimes you don't. So things get a little more
>>>> complicated.
>>>> There needs to be some way to define context for jform where you can
>>>> customize just one single form. Basically JForm would need to have a
>>>> dictionary of table or even form specific widgets where you could do
>>>> something like.
>>>> jform.widgets.forms[myformid]['text'] = function(field) { return
>>>> jform.tag('textarea',{'name':field.name,'class':'form-contro
>>>> l'})(field.value); }
>>>> jform.widgets.tables[tablename]['text'] = function(field) { return
>>>> jform.tag('textarea',{'name':field.name,'class':'form-contro
>>>> l'})(field.value); }
>>>> So things do start to get messy. This solution, of course, isn't ideal
>>>> if you are building a single page app as this context you're creating
>>>> doesn't get automatically cleaned every call like it happens on the server
>>>> side with SQLFORM so then you start to get strange interactions and bugs.
>>>> Hence we have to figure out a smarter way to do it where the context is
>>>> really available for just that one form and it goes away with it.
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