I am working on an app where the user can select items by clicking on a 
button for each item on the index page. It works fine, except after each 
item selected the user has to be redirected to index and ends up on the top 
of the first page at item 1. Then the user has to go back each time and try 
to find whatever page they were on before when they made the last 
selection. How can I fix this so when the user selects the item, he is 
redirected to the same page?

def index():
    if len(request.args):
    limitby=(page*items_per_page,(page+1)*items_per_page + 1)
    rows=db().select(db.post.ALL, limitby=limitby)
    form = SQLFORM(db.post)
    if form.process().accepted:
    selected = db(db.post.selected == True).select()
    not_selected = db(db.post.selected == False).select()
    return dict(form=form, selected=selected, not_selected=not_selected, 
rows=rows, page=page, limitby=limitby,items_per_page=items_per_page)

def select():
    id = request.vars.id
    name = db(db.post.id == id).select().first()
    if name:
        name.selected = not name.selected
    return redirect(URL('index'))

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