Will try this asap.

On Thursday, 6 November 2014 13:00:13 UTC-6, Srini K wrote:
> I'm trying to get CAS auth working but it is giving problems. Below is my 
> setup.
> 1. Environment is Ubuntu+Apache+Web2py 
> 2. I have one web2py app that acts as a CAS provider. It exposes a 
> controller function and have tried both form=auth.login() and form=auth().
> 3. I have another web2py app that tries to use the external web2py app CAS 
> provider for authentication. Example auth = Auth(db,cas_provider = 
> 'https://.../default/user_cas/cas')
> Problem:
> 1. When I expose the CAS provider controller function as form=auth() 
> after the login the CAS provider is not redirecting the user back to the 
> original app.
> 2. When I expose the CAS provider controller function as form=auth.login() 
> then after the login the CAS provider call goes on a too many redirect loop 
> and then it breaks with a message in the browser.
> 3. Interestingly when I try to run the same (CAS provider app and the 
> other app that uses the CAS provider app) locally 'http:' the CAS 
> auth and the redirect seem to work fine as expected. 
> Here are few discussion thread I found related to the same issue but I 
> could not find any final solution for this issue.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/web2py/FhtokyNZT7k 
> https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1840
> Any help on this is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Srini

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