Thanks Niphlod - I appreciate the input and am definitely open to 
suggestions. I'm only running with Rocket right now but of course will be 
moving to a production server at some point.  In my testing using 
multiprocessing to pull all 20 images at the same time is about 5-6 times 
faster than one after another, and my script returns in under a second. 
Just curious what would be an easier road for an I/O bound task like this?

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 3:05:07 PM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote:
> launching external processes in a web environment is discouraged at so 
> many levels that basically you'll be left alone in the dark for any 
> debugging: very weird things will happen using the multiprocess package in 
> a threaded environment. Additional pains will be faced when web2py is run 
> by apache, nginx, uwsgi, etc etc etc. Even recent releases of python 3.x 
> are trying (hard) to address all the complications within a similar 
> environment, with a lot of machinery going around. 
> On python 2.x let's just say you're choosing a hard road for - practically 
> - no reason, since your task (fetching images) is I/O bound and not 
> cpu-bound.
> On Monday, November 3, 2014 7:03:23 PM UTC+1, Josh L wrote:
>> Unfortunately after lots of experimentation I wasn't able to get the 
>> multiprocessing module to work with web2py. What I did find however was 
>> that I could use subprocess.check_output to launch a Python script 
>> containing the multiprocessing module and a pool of workers, and I can get 
>> data to the script by passing it command line arguments. The check_output 
>> function returns script results "print"ed to stdout which I could then 
>> parse back in the web2py process and use to update my database. So it looks 
>> like multiprocessing can work as long as you use it in an external script 
>> running in its own instance of python. Hope this helps someone!

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