Thanks, now I understand, the error was probably caused by a wrong 
configuration, because I had almost 10 websites connecting with 
pool_size=20, and the postgresql server was limited to 50 max_connections. 
Now I changed the values and it's working better.

In addition, I've been reading a lot about tuning up postgresql (being a 
newby of server administration), and I ended up with pgtune [1]. It showed 
me that I needed to make some ajustments to postgresql.conf considering the 
resources of my VPS.

Thanks again!

[1] -

El martes, 28 de octubre de 2014 16:55:42 UTC-3, Niphlod escribió:
> theoretically a db = DAL(...., pool_size=5) will create AT MOST 5 
> connections to that db. you have 20, so any app's instance will create AT 
> MOST 20 connections to the db. if you postgres accepts AT MOST 50 
> connections, you'll reach the top at 2 apps and a half. As for the ram 
> consumed by postgres, it's a setting too. Of course if you have 4 gb of 
> ram, 1.5 assigned to postgres seems normal (if not too conservative). Most 
> db engines (postgresql included) benefit in any operation if more ram is 
> available.

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