Oh, I understand. Thank you so much! :)

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Looks like the MSSQL2 adapter stores booleans as "T" and "F" character
> values, so you may need to convert your 1's and 0's to "T" and "F".
> Anthony
> On Friday, October 24, 2014 7:14:47 AM UTC-4, Gianganh Nguyen wrote:
>> Sorry, this issue just occur in *mssql2.*
>> Vào 17:36:52 UTC+7 Thứ sáu, ngày 24 tháng mười năm 2014, Gianganh Nguyen
>> đã viết:
>>> Hello to everybody,
>>> I have a question, please answer for me!
>>> In the model, I define a field:
>>> *db.define_table('mytable',*
>>> *                          Field('is_imported', 'boolean', default =
>>> False), ...)*
>>> *db.**mytable*
>>> *.insert(is_imported = True,..)*
>>> *db.**mytable**.insert(is_imported = False,..)*
>>> In the controller, I write:
>>> *records = db(db.mytable.id
>>> <http://db.mytable.id>).select(db.mytable.is_imported)*
>>> *for record in records:*
>>> *    print record.**is_imported*
>>> Result:
>>>      *False*
>>> *     False*
>>> Expected result:
>>>     *True*
>>> *     False*
>>> And I see with boolean fields, command select always return *False *for
>>> every values (0, 1) in mssql.
>>> I were trying with all mssql and mssql2, they had same result.
>>> Please tell me why.
>>> Thanks.
>>>  --
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*GianganhnguyenCS - Soict - Hust - K52*
*Mobile: 0975814385*

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