UPDATE: This works well for me after the form submits: redirect( 

That came straight from the book, but its when the student gets a question 
wrong is where I'm running into trouble. I'd like to just refresh the div 
so they could continue to enter answers.

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:45:39 PM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
> I tried to search through most of the forums before submitting my question 
> but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for.
> When a user submits their answer I would like to do two things:
> if it is accepted and its corrected I would like to refresh the page, but 
> if its not correct I would just like to refresh the div that has their 
> submitted answers.
> my controller is:
> def submit_answer():
>     answer=FORM('Answer: ',
>               INPUT(_name='answer', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>               INPUT(_type='submit', _class='btn btn-primary', 
> _id="sub_button"))
>     if answer.accepts(request,session):
>         #session.tabTracker = request.vars['chal']
>         answer_comp = db(db.answers.id
> ==int(request.vars['chal'])).select(db.right_answers.ALL).first()
>         if answer.vars['answer'] == answer_comp['answer']:
>             response.flash = 'Correct! Nice job!'
>         else:
>             response.flash = 'Incorrect answer'
>     elif answer.errors:
>         response.flash = 'Please submit your answer'
>     else:
>         response.flash = ''
>     return dict(answer=answer)
> and my view:
>                         {{=LOAD('board','submit_answer.load', 
> vars={'chal':question['id']},ajax=True)}}
> The name of the div I would like to refresh is: <div class="panel-heading">
> I've tried the response.js solution Anthony posted in another forum, but 
> it didn't seem to work.
> I know web2py has a onclick= feature and I'm thinking thats the way to go, 
> but not sure how to structure it

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