On Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:43:34 PM UTC-7, T.R.Rajkumar wrote:
> I have a SQLFORM.grid. It paginates the returned rows. Now I want to move 
> through all the pages on a set timer interval without clicking the page 
> numbers, i.e I want to auto page like an album without post back using 
> jQuery. How to achieve that. Thank you.

I think for this you'll have to have to use a timer in javascript ; when 
the timer fires, you can emulate having clicked on the button, which is the 
easy way (I think).

As an alternative to paging, I think there have been samples posted to the 
group that demonstrate infinite scrolling, which is essentially using 
jquery and/or AJAX to append a new spoonful of data at the end of the 
current "page".   The Google Groups view of this group's topics behaves in 
that way.

Good luck!


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