Your format is a function therefore

db.t_birthplace._format % row

should be


On Wednesday, 17 September 2014 22:00:37 UTC-5, Fei Zhao wrote:
> I would like to generate a dropdown list dynamically according to the 
> records of a table, which refers to other tables. But it seems that lambda 
> doesn't work with OPTION helper.
> For instance, I defined four tables, t_country, t_state, t_city, and 
> t_birthplace. Table t_birthplace refers to those three tables, and I want 
> the birthplace to be shown as "country, state, city".
> The following is my code.
> In model:
> db.define_table('t_country',
>                 Field('f_name'))
> db.define_table('t_state',
>                 Field('f_name'))
> db.define_table('t_city',
>                 Field('f_name'))
> db.define_table('t_birthplace',
>                 Field('f_country','reference t_country'),
>                 Field('f_state','reference t_state'),
>                 Field('f_city','reference t_city'),
>                 format=lambda r: '%s %s %s' % (db( == r.
> f_country).select().first().f_name,
>                                                db( == r.
> f_state).select().first().f_name,
>                                                db( == r.f_city
> ).select().first().f_name))
> In controller:
> def index():
>     db.t_country.insert(f_name='US')
>     db.t_state.insert(f_name='CA')
>     db.t_city.insert(f_name='San Mateo')
>     db.t_birthplace.insert(f_country=1,f_state=1,f_city=1)
>     rows_birthplace = db(db.t_birthplace).select()
>     # db.t_birthplace._format = '%(f_country)s'
>     opts_birthplace = [OPTION(db.t_birthplace._format % row,
> ) for row in rows_birthplace]
>     form = FORM(SELECT(_name='sel_birthplace', *opts_birthplace))
>     return dict(form=form)
> In view:
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> {{=form}}
> I got error while running the above code:
>     opts_birthplace = [OPTION(db.t_birthplace._format % row, 
> for row in rows_birthplace]
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'function' and 'Row'
> But if I redefine the format, uncomment "db.t_birthplace._format = 
> '%(f_country)s'" in controller, then the error is gone, the dropbox is 
> generated, but the representation of the option is not what I wanted, it 
> just shows 1, the id of f_country which refers to table t_country.
> How can I get the dropdown list that shows the name nicely like "US, CA, 
> San Mateo"?
> Your suggestion is highly appreciated!

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