Seems nice!
keep going

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:28:16 PM UTC-5, Encompass solutions wrote:
> I am working on a feature for web2py and would like to gather the 
> following information:
>    - How long did it take to render html for the page.
>    - What database calls occured with this page render.
>    - What were the calls that were made in SQL and DAL format.
>    - What Global variables are set in the model.
> The idea I am working on is a bar that would render if locally run, or 
> requested, that would display information about content sent to the page. 
> Like the generic page but a little more informative and able to pulled up 
> without interfering with the page at all.
> How would I get what I have stated above?
> Is there other content you would want for this DevBar, as I call it?  I 
> don't want to try to make my own firebug or anything, just stuff 
> specifically about web2py's and the things that might be needed in making 
> sure the page loads properly and developed quickly.
> Attached are my beginnings of it.  It would pull out from the left with an 
> html widget in the top right.  Then selecting a tab on the right would load 
> content on the left with the original page in the background.

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