Tokens identify users, not sessions since your services should be
stateless anyway (each call to a service method should be independent
and should not require a call to another method. Read about it here:,289625,sid26_gci826428,00.html).
Sessions is your client's job.
The token has an expiry date and lifetime may be different from user
to user.

I use something like this, client side:

# first get a token
authToken = serviceProxy.getToken(user, password)

# then use it with methods that require auth.
helloWorld = serviceProxy.helloWorld(token = authToken)

serviceProxy could be formatting json-rpc, xml-rpc, soap, whatever...
also this would work no matter the transport.

I do have an implementation of the server, however since it's not
written in python I didn't post it here (my client is a web2py app and
my server is a ZF app). I can send it to you but it's php, you tell
What I implemented  in Python is a client class (using json-rpc format
since it's my prefered format):

A possible server implementation in web2py could be something like
this (replace the docstrings with appropriate logic):

from import Service
# create a server instance
service = Service(globals())

def getToken(user, password):
    here, perform authentication
    against whatever source you like
    (db, file, service, CAS, ldap...)
    generate a token, store it in cache or
    db with an expiry date and
    associated user id.
    You may generate the token with
    uuid and then encrypt it
    return 'xyz'

# expose as json-rpc
def helloWorld(token, name):
    here, check validity of token
    (does it exist? is it expired?),
    if valid and corresponding user has
    right, then return result,
    else raise error.
    You may perform auth within a
    python decorator so you only
    have to add @tokenAuth before
    your function
    return 'hello ' + name

# your service end point
def call(): return service()

Another way is to use http basic auth, but it was not my choice.
You'll find tons of articles about it.

On Jun 6, 10:20 am, Alexei Vinidiktov <>
> Thanks for your reply, desfrenes.
> Could you share how you generate your tokens? Do they expire or are
> they permanent for each user?
> Do token identify sessions or users?
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 6:01 PM, desfrenes<> wrote:
> > I use a token auth handle at the service level. It has disadvantages
> > (need to check auth on each method, but should be easy with python
> > decoratorsà but at least I can use the same services with no
> > modification, whatever the message format (soap, json, xml,
> > anything...) or the transport layer.
> > On Jun 5, 5:42 am, Alexei Vinidiktov <>
> > wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> I'm wondering what is the best approach to authenticating users from
> >> within desktop apps or RIA apps written, for example, in Silverlight,
> >> Flex, GWT, pyjamas that communicate with web2py backends via rpc
> >> services.
> >> Thanks.
> >> --
> >> Alexei Vinidiktov
> --
> Alexei Vinidiktov
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