Thanks Anthony, indeed I will have to evaluate the tradeoff of speed for 
complexity. I don't think that our site will have the amount of traffic 
that this would be a problem but its always good to know good practices!
A friend suggested to use

db(( == 5) & (db.task.ref_to_job == & 
(db.job.ref_to_project == & (db.project.owner == 

I tried it and it works, but I am not sure how different it is from the one 
Leonel suggested. How does this work?
Also, you mentioned to check the timing of the query. Is there a web2py way 
to do that?

Thank you

On Monday, September 8, 2014 3:31:54 PM UTC+3, Anthony wrote:
> On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:47:57 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:
>> Frankly, I would just store the user as the owner in all of those tables. 
>> Probably using auth.signature().
>> You could do a very inefficient recursive select but I don't see any 
>> advantage.
>> Something like:
>> task = db.tasks[5]
>> if task.job.project.owner != auth.user_id:  # You are doing a select for 
>> each dot you see here:
>>     raise HTTP(403)  # Forbidden
> Before you go storing the user id in every table, you should check the 
> timing on the above query, and make the decision based on expected app 
> usage. While the above isn't the most efficient, if will probably be only a 
> few milliseconds, and if this app doesn't have heavy traffic or this 
> operation isn't very frequent, the inefficiency may be fine. You could also 
> see if it's faster to do a single multi table join rather than the 
> recursive select shown above (though the above is easier to write and 
> understand, so may not be worth making the change anyway).
> Anthony 

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